
The Red Fish, or technically “Red Drum” (sciaenops ocellatus) has become one of the Southeastern United States most targeted sport fish. Known for their beautiful bronze color, shear brute strength and a willingness to eat live bait, artificial lures or a well-placed fly, it is no wonder it has become a bucket list favorite.

Red fish of all sizes roam the estuaries, sounds and rivers year round, although during the cooler months, redfish school tighter and can be easier to locate. As red fish reach a length around 30″, they will migrate nearshore off the beaches, anywhere from 3-9 miles out, and often out to 40 miles. These larger breeding fish, or “bull reds” will return in large numbers to the beaches, inlets, sounds and rivers every year around August to November to spawn.

Along with year round opportunities to catch red fish of all sizes, we offer the very popular bull red trips. Photographs are encouraged while bull red fishing in the fall, but this is strictly a catch and release fishery for these larger fish, as red fish must fall into a 14″-23″ slot to keep.