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Flounder Caught

Flounder, or “Southern Flounder”, (paralichthys lethostigma) inhabit the estuaries and sounds in and around St. Simons Island year round, but the population drastically increases April through November. As a rule, flounder are usually a “by catch” when targeting other species.

Flounder Caught

Over the years of studying this strange bottom dwelling, but delicious fish, we have been able to pattern flounder rather successfully. By employing certain techniques in certain habitats, it is entirely possible to put together a nice catch of the “flatties” and earn the title “flounder pounder”.

Flounder Caught

We now offer trips specifically designed for flounder fishing out of St. Simons Island and the surrounding Golden Isles. The record Southern Flounder was weighed in a few inlets south of us and weighed in at nearly 21 lbs.! Typically our flounder average 2-4 lbs., and it is not uncommon to catch them in the 5-10 lb. range. Flounder must be at least 12″ long to keep.


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