
Tarpon. The Silver King. (Megalops atlanticus) While the Golden Isles does not have a year round fishery for these amazing, acrobatic fish, we have a great population of giants during the summer months, with July, August and September probably being the strongest.

While St. Simons Island and surrounding areas boast tarpons of all sizes, it is an unusually large school of large breeding giants that make our fertile waters home during the warmer summer months. Tarpon generally gather around the beachfront sand bars and inlets, but many are caught on inside rivers and sounds as well. The preferred technique in our area is live bait, but when optimum conditions present themselves, tarpon can be targeted with an array of lures and flies.

Often described by many fisherman as a “favorite frustration” because of the Silver Kings finicky nature at times, you are more than likely to actually see many fish! Tarpon fishing is indeed a “favorite frustration” at times, but tarpon catching is a reward that provides a lifelong memory. The Golden Isles during the heat of the summer, may be one of the best places for a shot at that memory of a 100 pound plus fish summersaulting across the water! Tarpon is a catch and release only fishery for our trips, but we offer a top notch replica mount.