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Tag: trout

St Simons Island Fishing Report 4/17/19

April is definitely our strongest “transition” month for both weather and fish. Wide ranging temperatures, wind, rain, fog, and sunshine may welcome you on any given day, and sometimes ALL on the SAME day! The fish in April can also be just as unpredictable! The good news is many patterns remain fairly consistent and we welcome many of our warmer weather species back to the Golden Isles!

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St Simons Island Fishing Report 3/31/2019

With weather being a key element in any outdoor endeavor, especially fishing, I would say we have had a very typical March pattern. Periods of rain, wind, warming trends and cold fronts. This time of year, St Simons most sought after fish, the spotted sea trout, becomes just plain difficult to pin down. March 2019, has been no different for the specks, as anglers have been hard pressed to find a concentration of trout at any one spot. The good news is redfish, sheepshead, black drum and whiting have filled the trout-gap amazingly well this spring.

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Fishing Structure: Docks, Rocks, and Treetops

First, go ahead and tighten your drags, and you might as well throw in a little extra terminal tackle as well. Fishing structure, as many of you already know, is not for the faint of heart. Your going to lose tackle, fish, and possibly a small bit of your sanity. Fish holding structure, serious structure, comes in many forms, as well as many techniques to approach it.

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St Simons Island Fishing Report January 2019

While a good many folks across the country have stowed fishing gear, winterized boats and eagerly await the spring, many anglers here in the Southeast are full throttle! For those in the know, cool weather can really bunch up the fish. With average daytime temperatures hovering around 60, degrees, the conditions can actually be quite comfortable!

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St Simons Island Fishing Report May 26, 2018

Memorial Day here on St Simons Island ushers in many great fishing opportunities! Along with our year round resident trout, redfish and sheepshead, others such as tarpon, flounder, triple tail, sharks and jacks will join the party! Water temperatures will reach 75-78 degrees and many fish will settle into predictable feeding locations. The feeding stations and times will be many and varied though as the marsh fills with forage. Mullet, menhaden, shrimp, crabs and many other food supplies will be readily available 24 hours a day! So what exactly does an angler do to compete with this buffet?

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